Interview With Harvie Hardnock

Interview With Harvie Hardnock

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Allow me to introduce to you Mr Harvie Hardnock, a member of the AMA for almost 28 years and an active pilot in District 8 from the New Mexico area. In the last year, Mr. Hardnock was selected as an ambassador for FMS and due to his excellent flying and commitment to the hobby. This was our first interview of the series, and who better to select than Mr. Hardnock? So for this first article for our District 8 website, we will talk all about Mr. Hardnock, his flying, and his involvement in the AMA. We set down for some Q&A to get to know Mr Hardnock. But before we start with the Q&A lets introduce who Mr Harvie Hardnock is. He is has been in the hobby for over 28 Years. His vast knowledge of Radio control includes Cars from 1/10 scale FMS Rock crawler “Atlas” to the FMS Airplane from P-47 to Viper jet. He has been an ambassador to FMS now for one year and also with Well we did an interview with MR Hardnock and asked him a few questions which some of our District and US modelers will like to know more about how everyone call him “Harvie” and what he does for our Hobby. Q: How did you started with Hobby? A: Well my first model that started me on flying was the Champ from Eflite I taught myself to fly with this model. One day i went to the park and saw this kid with his mom and he was flying this airplane and I said to myself if this kid can fly this airplane I know I can do this. So I went ahead got my airplane and went to the same park to fly, I tried to hand launch my airplane and told myself I can do this. If that 8 year old can fly I know I can do it, from there it all started from me. The more I flew the more confidence I got to fly and moved to other models. Q: So what is your favorite airplane? A: I got so many favorite airplanes, during the year I have flew many manufacture but FMS airplane has been the one that stock with me one in particular the 1700 F7F Tigercat. the attention to detail for me is 5 star. Details like the F-86 will be the one on jets that hands down I like, the scale from air brake to flight characteristic. There is no other, on the market that you can compare with 4 min of flying on a 5000 rcbatteries Lipeair is amazing. I also like the bigger airplanes and the majestic on how they fly. On scale feature the f7f is why I say is my favorite. Q: How did you became an ambassador for FMS? A: Two years ago is when I came in to contact with FMS, just the luck of the draw I got this opportunity. Well it was with the Tigercat that this all started with the issue on the nose gear which was defective and I decided to email the CS from FMS. Rachel from CS was real nice helpful took of me, once she took care of me I kept communicate with her and keep the line open and from there after i got my YouTube channel I send her link and I also mention if there is anyone higher up to share and get recognition. So I continue doing the YouTube channel reviews an a past year. The FMS representative saw my facebook a year ago and it took off from there. Only been brand ambassador for a few month it was December when i started to be an ambassador for FMS. Q: When did you started being an ambassador to RcBatteries? A: Kinda the same thing like FMS just talking on email I ask if they will like a representative for an event at my local club, and someone to post in YouTube and Facebook. It took off from there and this batteries will not let you down. Q:What do you enjoy the must of being and ambassador for this companies? A: going to this event and meet real nice people, meet some of the must amazing pilot and getting to know new people. Talking about the product airplane from FMS and batteries. Q: What will you recommend to a new person starting this hobby what to do and what to fly? A: Go to your Local club and get in touch with there instructor. I always suggest to go an talk to those instructors of the club about beginner program and use the club trainer before you go out and Buy an airplane. Airplane I will suggest for someone starting in this hobby will be the FMS 1200 mm ranger one of the reason is not a big plane or little, takeoff and landing with the spring load strut makes it easier for beginner pilot so when they bounce they will not break. The flying characteristic are also very stable and perfect platform for a beginner pilot. Q:How long have you been a member of the AMA A: 28 years Q: Have you ever though you will be in the position that your at as a ambassador for FMS and RcBatteries A: No when I first start the my YouTube channel never expect that I takeoff like it did or dream where I am now, I feel very lucky and proud of what I do for this hobby. Q: which is your favorite type of flying (scale,pattern, …) A: I have always been a warbird flyer, WWII warbird the scale and how they fly is what got me going. Also I have always had a high wing airplane also for relaxing type flying, but recently I have been taking interest on jets and the rush of the flying jets. Q: Have you done any competition like scale master or pattern. A:As flying flying scale competition I never done any competition until one day I attend scale meet In Albuquerque NM. The Rc Club in Albuquerque and flew my first fly scale competition. The way they graded you is on a Scale appearance and flying. I flew my P-47 fms Bonnie, but on this P-47 we change the scheme to one that got capture P-47 and also took my P-51 red tails philippine shark of symbolic. I ended taking 1st P-51 and 3rd p-47 Q:What is your opinion on this new era of ARF, PNP against the old kits? A: Never been a builder but did try it a long time ago. I tried building a kits but i guess i wanted to go fly right away. I do like ARF specially 60size. And of course the PNP from FMS which some of them you can have them ready to fly in 30 minute and flying that same day. But if you compare the ARF against foam airplane in my opinion the ARF going to fly better than a foam but I want to be quick and in the air so that is the advantage of the Foam airplane. Well Harvie thank you for your time and for the interview, so folks as you can see a dream come true. Just remember if you don’t try you will never know what could happen and maybe one day you can be just like Harvie and Ambassador for a prestige brand. With this i will say until the next article and remember always to HAVE FUN AND FLY SAFE. Chico AVP District 8 Here is the YouTube channel link:
Memorial Fun Fly March 23

Memorial Fun Fly March 23

Lou Montanaro Memorial Fun Fly

March 23rd – 9am to 4pm

The North Dallas RC Club is again proud to host the 3rd annual Lou Montanaro Memorial Fun Fly on Saturday, March 23rd.  The Pilots meeting will begin at 9:00am.  We will have 3 planned events along with a ton of open flying.  All planes are welcome and you will be able to participate in the planned events with any model type.

The Pilot’s fee is $20 and lunch is included.  $5 for extra Spectator lunches.  All net proceeds from the event will be donated to Wounded Warrior.

Additional details can be found on our website at  We look forward to seeing you at Eagle Field again this year for another great event.



2nd Warbird and Civilian fun fly

2nd Warbird and Civilian fun fly


Everyone in the District The rockwall sport flyer club will like to invite you to the 2nd Warbird & Civilian Fly-in  on 6 April 2024 for the Rockwall R/C Sport Flyers in Rockwall Texas, the club is located about 25 minutes east of Dallas, TX the add 1906 dowell rd rockwall texas.  There will be lunch for the pilot and also awards for the event. IF you have any question please feel free to contact me at 951-250-4648 or my email
Thank you
Pablo”Chico” Romero
Contest Director
VP Rockwall Club
AVP District 8 AMA


Scale Master Qualifier at Greater Southwest Aero modeler club

Scale Master Qualifier at Greater Southwest Aero modeler club

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First of all Sorry for the late post of this event but on Sept 10-11 the Greater Southwest Aero Modeler club put together and amazing event “Scale Master Qualifier” and Mr Lawrence was the Contest Director for this great event. This event brought people from all over Texas and also Louisiana and Oklahoma that came to this event to qualify for the scale master event. There where some beautiful airplane in this event and some great and amazing flyers that if you didn’t know that you where in a Radio control Air field you would have taught that you where looking at the real thing. The event was a great success but it takes a lot of people to have an event like this, so will like to take this time to say thank you to all those volunteers that gave there time on this event. If you didn’t make it this year for the event start planning for next year to come and enjoy and amazing field and great flying. again congratulation to all the winners and also to one special kid that flew his first qualifier for the first time and took First place in Youth class at 14 years old Lawrence Powell did some amazing flying and to see youth participate on this type of event is amazing to see. Also on the same line will like to also say congratulation to this young man for being select to represent District 8 next year at the AMA Camp in 2024.

Again Congratulations to all the winners on the different classes. Until next year hope to see everyone there again next year.

Rockwall Fun Fly Wild wild west

Rockwall Fun Fly Wild wild west

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Rockwall Sport Flyers club hosted a great and fun event this past November even though it was set for October but weather and mother nature said we will have this event in Nov. Well it was a lot of fun since it was bring what ever you wanted to fly and the weird the better. We got to see a Pizza Flying and yes it was a Pepperoni Pizza LOL, also had a glider take off from a dolly, great display of warbirds from the Me-163 with the rocket assist, Ov-10 Bronco , and some other beautiful warbirds and you cant leave behind some beautiful Jets also. Overall and amazing event which if you didn’t come you missed a fun time. Again thank you to Mr Paul Sorell and the Rockwall Sport Flyer for putting this event together and with so much fun. Thank you and hope to see some more events like this in the future.

Veteran Day Event at Richardson Club

Veteran Day Event at Richardson Club


This past Nov 2023 the Richardson Club celebrated Veteran Day with there fund Raiser. The event was one of great success, the members of the Richardson Club did a great Job honoring those Members that are not with us and for those that still with us that have serve this great country and sacrifice there lives to keep this nation free. Will like to say thank you to Curtis and all the volunteer for making this event such a memorable event. Again if you missed it this year plan on being there next year. After the ceremony there was some great flying and some beautiful airplanes. Again Thank you for hosting this event and looking forward to being there next year.

Richardson R/C SwapMeet

Richardson R/C SwapMeet

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One of the best Swapmeet in the Dallas area was this past 19 of August of 2023 at Allen High School Cafeteria. This event brought people all over the District VII to sell and buy some very nice airplanes and cant forget also the wifes which also had some Bling Bling. So as you can see if you miss this event you need to plan for next year to come and participate OH and don’t forget the amazing Auction which was a lot of fun. Saw some great airplanes been sold and the people all very friendly. Just remember to mark this event on you calendar as one to attend next year. Great job from the Richardson Club and there members to put such a outstanding event and the organization was amazing. So hope to see you there next year.