Props and Batteries Fun Fly
SMASH !st annual Props and Batteries Fun Fly Saturday February 25 at SMASH field Rio Hondo. Japanese Zero painted in the “Lost Japanese Color”
SMASH !st annual Props and Batteries Fun Fly Saturday February 25 at SMASH field Rio Hondo. Japanese Zero painted in the “Lost Japanese Color”
Most of the pilots who attended our Smash Warbird Fly In, including Skipper
This is a scale master model that has not flown yet.. She has been to the flight line 3 times but not able to get correct steering. I believe the issue has been corrected. With good thoughts and lots of help she will fly on this Thursday. Till then Keep Flying.
Bruce Landsman District 8 AVP
We were able this morning to test fly Tondelayo ESM B-25 with her twin DLE 20’s. She flew great with no
issues at all. Not able to post video here go to SMASH Facebook might be there.
Smash attending Victoria’s Fly In
Our club secretary Joel Webb cooking us all lunch. While we wait for lunch. The whole gang for Saturdays lunch.
Richard Ortiz with his redone John Alberg biplane. Brian Ray with his spad nose first, lawn dart.
On the flight line at Tejas. The Tejas Crew, from left to right, Julio Madrigal Vice President, David Guerra Treasurer, Bernie Delgado President, Pedro Rodrigo Safety Officer, Bruce Shields Secretary.