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the ED COUCH   Texas Scale Championships 2021
If possible print and post at your flying site–and send to your club newsletter
September 11-12, 2021, Sponsored by the Greater Southwest Aeromodelers, Hurst, Texas.  The ED COUCH TEXAS SCALE CHAMPIONSHIPS. Some of the best scale planes and pilots will gather to see who is the BEST in TEXAS. The 2020 TEXAS SCALE CHAMPION is Tim Dickey from New Mexico.
Classes for all levels, including Scale Hellicopter, Electric Military, Static only event also, Electric Civilian, Expert and Rookie Classes. US SCALEMASTERS Qualifier–NASA Qualifier.
Check out the attached flyer for ALL CLASSES, Free to the public, Free lunch to contestants, Lunch available to the public, Plenty of parking, Overnight Camping is available. 
Ed Couch is a long time scale competitor, Scale builder and know all over the country an Outstanding member of  the Greater Southwest Aeromodelers Club and he is being recognized for all he had done for the Texas Championships and modeling.
Come out enjoy the event, watch the modelers, public is encouraged to talk to the pilots and see the most exciting plane anywhere around. Types of models vary All types of Civilian planes–multi engines planes and airliners–World War 1, World War 2, Korean War, Vietnam, Gulf Wars and current jets, Military Helicopters-Vietnam and Civilian, Almost all nations planes USA, German, Italian, Japan, British. We never know who or what will show up BUT it is a great show- Put it on your calendar, Contact info on the flyer
We will be pre-selling Ed Couch Texas Scale Championship 2021 event shirts.  This year they will be light blue and must be pre ordered-there will be no extras at the event.  Contact info is on the flyer.  Anyone can buy a shirt -do not have to be a competitor.
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