Lawrence Harville
AMA District-8 Vice President
AMA District VIII Serving TX, OK, LA, NM, AR
District VIII News and Information Blog Posts
Prop Nuts R.C. Flea Market/Fly In
The Prop Nuts R.C. Club held their Flea Market Fly In on April 15, 2023 at their field near Crosby, Texas. It was a beautiful day with lots of planes and pilots, plenty of flea market merchandise, many enthusiastic spectators, fine food, and a beautiful grass field....
12th Annual Try R/C Day
Richardson Radio Control Club just had there 12th Annual Try R/C Day this past 30 of April 2023 at there field in Richardson. They had over 30 + plus people that try R/C for the first time and some that are still learning. The club had in hand over 9 trainers and four...
Texoma RC Modelers Scale Masters May 28-29
Amarillo Radio Kontrol Society Fun Fly
Amarillo Radio Kontrol Society Annual Fun Fly
NDRCC Crash Cart
Attached photo is the new North Dallas RC Club 'Crash Cart'. The vehicle also serves as a fire response vehicle in case of Turbine/Lipo fires. The vehicle, and the storage container for it, was purchased with membership donations. Two training sessions have already...
HELI guys out for a good time
Mike Westbrook Kerry Snider Rene Gotiear
Props and Batteries Fun Fly
SMASH !st annual Props and Batteries Fun Fly Saturday February 25 at SMASH field Rio Hondo. Japanese Zero painted in the "Lost Japanese Color"
Fort Worth Thunderbirds
This is the new Helicopter shelter at the Fort Worth Thunderbirds field. To all clubs post what new improvement you have done to your field.
Broken Arrow RC CLUB Okla.
Broken Bow RC guys at the field Friendly bunch with a GREAT FACILITY Seated from Left to right. Jim McMahon Roscoe Martin- club president Randy Cagle- safety Director Max Terhune- Club IT Dick Eustice- Secretary Barry Jepperson – Man that was implemental...
Smash Warbird Fly In October 14,15th 2022
Most of the pilots who attended our Smash Warbird Fly In, including Skipper
Ziroli Hellcat
This is a scale master model that has not flown yet.. She has been to the flight line 3 times but not able to get correct steering. I believe the issue has been corrected. With good thoughts and lots of help she will fly on this Thursday. Till then Keep Flying....
Jase Dussia Extreme Flight Championship Win Celebration Party
Posted for Jerry Walters District-8 AVP - Louisiana Aeromodelers of Acadiana (AOA) hosted a surprise congratulatory party for Jase Dussia after his impressive win at the FRENCH EXTREME FLIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP 2022. It was a rainy day but that didn’t dampen the spirits of...