
Aeromodelers of Acadiana Warbird Airshow – March 24-27, 2022

AOA opened the Southern Louisiana flying season with its 6th. annual Warbird event. Forty-one pilots showed up and registered from places as far away as Virginia. Once again, this year the Texas Warbird group showed up and flew from Thursday through Sunday. Great food, the beautiful AOA flying site, southern hospitality, and hardy cross winds on Friday challenged and rewarded the pilots. From the giant scale Tri-wing to the eighty-pound Hellcat, there was something for everyone to admire and enjoy. AOA’s camp sites are coveted andĀ  many pilots reserved their spot for next year before departingĀ  Breaux Bridge, Louisiana for home. Pictured is Albert Thibodeaux, from Cajun Black Sheep RC, a perennial guest at AOA events.

Watch the AOA Facebook page for 7th. Annual event next year. It keeps getting bigger!

Jerry Walters

AVP Louisiana

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