$100–TRUST Club Drawing

$100–TRUST Club Drawing



District 8 clubs having 100% Membership that has taken the “TRUST” Test—-Your club will qualify for a $100 drawing PER MONTH from August 30 to December 30

Club Presidents send your club name to be entered in the Drawing on the 30th of each month-in August-September-October-November and December. Once Entered you are in for all 5 months drawing–a winning club can only win once.-
PRESIDENT send your club entry to –


Mike Pennell passed—Tulsa Glue Dobbers

AMA District 8 member passes Oklahoma Standout Guy
Thanks Bill Holland for letting us know.
we lost a great guy Monday. Mike Pennell passed away unexpectedly on Monday. He was the long standing President and spark plug of the Tulsa Glue Dobbers. Mike was an outstanding person, modeler. He was 72 years old. He will leave big shoes to fill in Tulsa.
Max Blose AMA HALL OF FAME 2020

Max Blose AMA HALL OF FAME 2020

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In September we Honored Max Blose who was selected into the AMA Hall of Fame. He joins a VERY SELECT group of 342 HOF members  only 17 are  from District VIII.

Max started flying in 1945, wrote several Magazine articles, designed and kitted many types of planes.  A member of the Waco Hotmac club since 1970 and through the years held every office in the club. The Hotmax club would not be as successful today if not for Max.   His hobby shop was a fixture in the area.  Designed and produced the Self-contained starter—now a necessity for modelers. Holder of 11 AMA awards.  We all fortunate to know and call Max our friend in District VIII.

The presentation was held at Max Blose Hotmac club event

District 8 Sparkplug of the month July 2020

District 8 Sparkplug of the month July 2020

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Sparkplug of the Month of July  is, STEVE NICHOLSON  from River City Radio Control, San Antonio, TEXAS. Steve has been a member of the Ozark Flyers RC in  Fayetteville, Ark., the Greater Southwest Aero Modelers in Hurst, TX., and currently in San Antonio, Tx. River City RC., where he performs ground cutting and maintenance.  He flies sport scale and sail planes and quad copters. Retired with kids, grand kids and great grand kids, he is a great friend to all everywhere he goes.  With several helpers he is always trying to improve the grounds to make it enjoyable for all. Thanks to Rick Carlo, VP River City RC for letting us know about Steve. Seems every club has at least ONE STEVE who goes above and beyond.   We want to recognize Steve Nicholson as ANOTHER Outstanding member of District VIII.