udedDistrict-VIII-newest-member-of-the-AMA-Hall-of-Fame-Max-Blose-center-with-AVP-Doug-Staines-and-VP-Lawrence-Harville--1.jpg UsedAMA-Hall-of-Fame-Max-Blose-and-Family-0.jpg

In September we Honored Max Blose who was selected into the AMA Hall of Fame. He joins a VERY SELECT group of 342 HOF members  only 17 are  from District VIII.

Max started flying in 1945, wrote several Magazine articles, designed and kitted many types of planes.  A member of the Waco Hotmac club since 1970 and through the years held every office in the club. The Hotmax club would not be as successful today if not for Max.   His hobby shop was a fixture in the area.  Designed and produced the Self-contained starter—now a necessity for modelers. Holder of 11 AMA awards.  We all fortunate to know and call Max our friend in District VIII.

The presentation was held at Max Blose Hotmac club event

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