Memorial Charity Fun Fly

Memorial Charity Fun Fly


Alamogordo RCers will host a 4-event Fun Fly on May 25th 2025.  This is an AMA sanctioned event (#18010) and is open to all AMA members.  Donations of food items, clothing and household items will be accepted and will benefit the Runners Refuge Ministries.  Pilot’s briefing will be at 9:00am with first event wheels up shortly thereafter.  A food truck will be onsite for the convenience of pilots and visitors.  Please come out and support this community wide event and help those who help others.

2nd Warbird and Civilian fun fly

2nd Warbird and Civilian fun fly


Everyone in the District The rockwall sport flyer club will like to invite you to the 2nd Warbird & Civilian Fly-in  on 6 April 2024 for the Rockwall R/C Sport Flyers in Rockwall Texas, the club is located about 25 minutes east of Dallas, TX the add 1906 dowell rd rockwall texas.  There will be lunch for the pilot and also awards for the event. IF you have any question please feel free to contact me at 951-250-4648 or my email
Thank you
Pablo”Chico” Romero
Contest Director
VP Rockwall Club
AVP District 8 AMA


Cloudy Day in Albuquerque

On January 24th I went to Maloof Memorial Park to fly. The day and night before it was raining. Wednesday morning the rain had stopped. It was warm for January and cloudy. There was about seven pilots out this morning. Most of the day we flew bright colored black planes. They were black due to no sun shine. I had a great time. We can fly all year round here in Albuquerque. It will get colder this winter but, we show up and freeze to get some flying in.  Come on summer.

Here is a picture of Ray Dukart, Brian Regan, Marlin Smith and Steve Wilcox. Ray is holding a plane that he flew for the first time. The maiden went great. He likes it.

Brian Regan


Scale Master Qualifier at Greater Southwest Aero modeler club

Scale Master Qualifier at Greater Southwest Aero modeler club


First of all Sorry for the late post of this event but on Sept 10-11 the Greater Southwest Aero Modeler club put together and amazing event “Scale Master Qualifier” and Mr Lawrence was the Contest Director for this great event. This event brought people from all over Texas and also Louisiana and Oklahoma that came to this event to qualify for the scale master event. There where some beautiful airplane in this event and some great and amazing flyers that if you didn’t know that you where in a Radio control Air field you would have taught that you where looking at the real thing. The event was a great success but it takes a lot of people to have an event like this, so will like to take this time to say thank you to all those volunteers that gave there time on this event. If you didn’t make it this year for the event start planning for next year to come and enjoy and amazing field and great flying. again congratulation to all the winners and also to one special kid that flew his first qualifier for the first time and took First place in Youth class at 14 years old Lawrence Powell did some amazing flying and to see youth participate on this type of event is amazing to see. Also on the same line will like to also say congratulation to this young man for being select to represent District 8 next year at the AMA Camp in 2024.

Again Congratulations to all the winners on the different classes. Until next year hope to see everyone there again next year.

Farmington Electric fun fly and ARCC scale meet.

Farmington Electric fun fly and ARCC scale meet.

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Hi from Albuquerque. A month or so ago I attended two events in one weekend. On Saturday I went up to Farmington NM for the San Juan Radio control Club’s electric fly in. It was a blast. There were about 20 pilots and the flew a lot. There was a contest or two with a few guys trying them. All in all it was a real fun time.

On Sunday I went to ARCC’s scale meet. I don’t know how many pilots. I think there was about 25 or more. Flying was great. The weather was warm and light winds. Harry and James did an excellent job. I hope they do this again next year.

Brian Regan


Richardson R/C SwapMeet

Richardson R/C SwapMeet

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One of the best Swapmeet in the Dallas area was this past 19 of August of 2023 at Allen High School Cafeteria. This event brought people all over the District VII to sell and buy some very nice airplanes and cant forget also the wifes which also had some Bling Bling. So as you can see if you miss this event you need to plan for next year to come and participate OH and don’t forget the amazing Auction which was a lot of fun. Saw some great airplanes been sold and the people all very friendly. Just remember to mark this event on you calendar as one to attend next year. Great job from the Richardson Club and there members to put such a outstanding event and the organization was amazing. So hope to see you there next year.

Richardson Club Night Flying

Richardson Club Night Flying

On May 20, 2023 the Richardson had there Night Flying. This event was a complete success some many different model of night time airplane in display and even a Habu with night light which was very nice. Before the Night Flying start the club had there monthly meeting and after the meeting they had Pizza and refreshment for all the members that came out for Both activities. The Night Flying was a lot of fun I even flew my Night Radian and i can tell you cant wait for the next event like this. The members from the club where enjoying a great night clear and dark so all the airplane look amazing even some that the light looked life UFO,LOL. Overall a great event with a great group of people. Thank you for the invitation and can’t wait for the Night Flying.

Rockwall Founders Day Static Display

Rockwall Founders Day Static Display

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On May 20,2023 The Rockwall Sport Flyers Club setup a Booth at the Rockwall Founders Day at the Henry Myers Park. The event had Music, food, vendors, Kids area and different booth. The club booth was always busy with adults and kids trying the flight simulator and asking a lot of question about the airplane in display and where can they learn how to fly radio control and location of the field. The looks on kids when they saw some of the model been display was incredible and there eyes said all. Thank you the Club President Tommy Baugh for invitation me to participate on this activity and the members of the club present Robert Short and Lawrence Powell who is one the newest and youngest member of the club and also a good flyer. Well this all for now keep on flying and promoting this great Hobby.

12th Annual Try R/C Day

12th Annual Try R/C Day

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Richardson Radio Control Club just had there 12th Annual Try R/C Day this past 30 of April 2023 at there field in Richardson. They had over 30 + plus people that try R/C for the first time and some that are still learning. The club had in hand over 9 trainers and four station for flying, at noon they had a Demo of different type of airplane. The event was great success and the club board and members did an outstanding job. Congratulation on a great event and hope to do it again next year.