AMA District-8 Banner
Lawrence Harville

Lawrence Harville

AMA District-8 Vice President

AMA District VIII Serving TX, OK, LA, NM, AR

District VIII News and Information Blog Posts

Time to hang it up.

Hi District VIII. It has been great serving as New Mexico's AVP. I have been doing something with the district since 2008. I have seen a lot of good and bad thru the years. Mostly good. I served with Jim Rice, Mark Johnson and Lawrence Harville. What a ride. I need to...

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2nd Annual Warbirds & Civilian Fun Fly

2nd Annual Warbirds & Civilian Fun Fly

*** Event Rescheduled To May 25th*** 2nd Annual Warbirds & Civilian Fun Fly April 6, 2024 Event Fee: $20.00 - Includes lunch for pilot Contest Director: Chico Romero - 951-250-4648 Rockwall Club Website:

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Memorial Fun Fly March 23

Memorial Fun Fly March 23

Lou Montanaro Memorial Fun Fly March 23rd - 9am to 4pm The North Dallas RC Club is again proud to host the 3rd annual Lou Montanaro Memorial Fun Fly on Saturday, March 23rd.  The Pilots meeting will begin at 9:00am.  We will have 3 planned events along with a ton of...

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Tri City Fliers Annual Warbird Fly-in

Tri City Fliers Annual Warbird Fly-in

Posted by: District-8 AVP Steve Shipley: The Tri City Flyers have held an annual Warbird Fly In for several years. This year the event has been expanded through the weekend to help grow the event. The club has a lot of experience hosting events so you can expect this...

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2nd Warbird and Civilian fun fly

2nd Warbird and Civilian fun fly

Hi Everyone in the District The rockwall sport flyer club will like to invite you to the 2nd Warbird & Civilian Fly-in  on 6 April 2024 for the Rockwall R/C Sport Flyers in Rockwall Texas, the club is located about 25 minutes east of Dallas, TX the add 1906 dowell...

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Cloudy Day in Albuquerque

On January 24th I went to Maloof Memorial Park to fly. The day and night before it was raining. Wednesday morning the rain had stopped. It was warm for January and cloudy. There was about seven pilots out this morning. Most of the day we flew bright colored black...

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13th Annual Four States Swap Meet

13th Annual Four States Swap Meet

Ad posted for Gary Strictland: Texarkana R/C Club – 13th Annual Four States Swap Meet February 17, 2024 Address: 3222West 7th Street Starts: 7:00 AM for Vendors and 9:00 AM for buyers Contacts: Donovan Owens – 903-277-5172 or Paco Ritter – 903-277-5172

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Frozen Coyote Fly In.

Greetings from Albuquerque, NM. Lots of flying in the cold mornings. We have had some cold days. Nothing like up north and back east. Snow and rain with high winds have stopped us a couple days. This week is was pretty good with about 32 degrees to start out and then...

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Rockwall Fun Fly Wild wild west

Rockwall Sport Flyers club hosted a great and fun event this past November even though it was set for October but weather and mother nature said we will have this event in Nov. Well it was a lot of fun since it was bring what ever you wanted to fly and the weird the...

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AMA District VIII Serving Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana

AMA District VIII Vice President Lawrence Harville
